L1 ‘Reform’

Programme 1 [Sculpt and Define]

3/5 intensity level

Description & Results—Full body integrated exercise routine to tone, strengthen and define your whole body. Dynamic full body exercises involving multiple muscle groups that will maximise calorie burn, develop core strength and shape while improving cardiovascular.

45 minute programme – 15 minutes Strength – 15 minutes Core shaping – 15 minutes Muscle tone & balance

Results— Muscle tone and definition. Core strengthening and shaping. Improved cardiovascular
Exercise type— Full body integrated movement for tone and strength
Intensity— Medium / high
Burn Rate— 200-300 calories
Equipment— StrapX, resistance band kit, handles, & ankle straps

45 minute workout of medium intensity training with dynamic full body exercises.

Phase 1— The program begins with a dynamic lower body warm-up with the bodies largest muscle groups to start the calorie burn. Moving into strengthening exercises for upper and lower body together that will strengthen and tone the whole body.

Phase 2— Next phase is core strengthening and control with dynamic core exercises that will tone and shape the midsection.

Phase 3— The third phase is focusing on stability and control with some explosive lower body work that will maximise calorie burn and tone the lower body.

Programme 2 [Restore and Align]

3/5 intensity level

Description & Results— Yoga & Pilates type movements with a combination of static and dynamic flexibility stretches. Using a combination of assisted & resisted movement to challenge core, improve alignment, gain flexibility and control of the whole body on all planes of motion.

45 minute programme – 15 minutes Mobility – 15 minutes Core stability – 15 minutes Postural strengthening

Results— Core, posture, alignment and movement control.
Exercise type— Full body integrated movement for tone and strength
Intensity—Medium / high
Burn Rate— 200-300 calories
Equipment— StrapX, resistance band kit, handles, & ankle straps

45 minute workout of low to medium intensity mobilising the joints and muscles then activating core with dynamic yoga type poses.

Phase 1— The program will begin with dynamic assisted mobilising exercises to warm-up and gain flexibility and joint range with a combination of core exercises to switch on and fire you up.

Phase 2— Focuses on dynamic movement with assisted and resisted exercises to build quality movement patterns that will improve structural alignment and coordination.

Phase 3— The third phase is taking quality movement and core control and combining resistance with dynamic yoga and Pilates type movements and poses that will strengthen and align the body.

Programme 3 [Power and Strength]

5/5 intensity level

Description & Results— Full body workout focusing on increasing muscle form, strength and definition. Improved stability and coordinated power output with an integrated feeling of strength throughout the whole body. Varied options for your current strength level and stage of fitness.

45 minute programme – 15 minutes Strength – 15 minutes Power & Core – 15 minutes Explosive strength

Results— Increase lean muscle, power output & explosive strength with defining shape to the core.
Exercise type— High intensity explosive strength training
Intensity— High
Burn Rate— 250-350 calories
Equipment— StrapX, resistance band kit, handles & ankle straps

45 minute workout of high intensity training with explosive full body strength and power movements.

Phase 1— The program starts with a dynamic lower body warm-up with the bodies largest muscle groups to get the heart pumping and your bodies systems fired up. Phasing into a combination of strengthening exercises on upper and lower body to build muscle and form.

Phase 2— Workout transitions into the power phase focusing on dynamic strength movements that involve transference of power from the legs through the core into the extremities. Full chain muscle recruitment maximising & strengthening the core.

Phase 3— The third phase is fast explosive strength training at high tempo to maximise cardio output and blood supply assisting fully integrated strength exercises.

L2 ‘Extreme’

Programme 4 [Extreme Burn]

4/5 intensity level

Description & Results— Full body workout with cardiovascular element to maximise calorie burn, dynamic functional movement and core strength.

45 minute programme – 15 minutes Cardiovascular burn – 15 minutes dynamic functional movement to raise heart rate – 15 minutes for Power & Strength to maximise calorie burn

Results— Increase joint range and flexibility, improve cardiovascular and lean muscle, build strengthen and power output while shaping and defining the core.
Exercise type— Medium to high intensity full body complete workout
Intensity— Medium / high
Burn Rate— 250-300 calories
Equipment— StrapX, suspension straps, harness, bar, resistance band kit, handles & ankle straps

45 minute workout of medium to high intensity full body training with a merge of all classes.

Phase 1— The program starts with steady state exercises designed to raise your cardio and prepare for a dynamic workout.

Phase 2— Workout transitions into long duration sets raising cardiovascular and leaning muscle mass.

Phase 3— The third phase is raising the tempo with faster high resistance exercises that will fire up the core and build functional power to shape your whole body.

Programme 5 [Extreme Circuit]

5/5 intensity level

Description & Results— Full body workout with increased cardio output, dynamic core function, strength, power and agility to maximise your performance.

45 minute programme – 15 minutes Cardiovascular movement – 15 minutes dynamic core strength – 15 minutes Power & agility.

Results— Increase joint range and flexibility, improve cardiovascular and lean muscle, build strengthen and power output while shaping and defining the core.
Exercise type— High intensity full body complete workout
Intensity— Medium / high
Burn Rate— 250-300 calories
Equipment— StrapX, suspension straps, harness, bar, resistance band kit, handles & ankle straps

45 minute workout of high intensity full body training with a merge of all the StrapX exercises.

Phase 1— The program starts with high intensity cardio output to raise heart rate into fat burn zone with a range of steady state and dynamic exercises.

Phase 2— Workout transitions into dynamic core strength movements to strengthen and shape midsection of body.

Phase 3— The third phase is transference of power, raising power output so you can develop control and agility of your movement.