Why Choose Resistance Band Training?

StrapX resistance band training will help improve and strengthen the body’s movement patterns. It employs core stability and control in every exercise and as a result will tone and build muscle without the need for weights.

Conventional free weights or machines work on gravity, meaning they can only be used in a vertical plane of resistance, whereas resistance band training can provide resistances in all planes of movement.

This is why resistance band training is the preferred modality for elite athletes. They are the foundation to any well structured exercise regime and will:

  • Bring fast results by incorporating more muscle groups in all exercises.
  • Preserve joints by employing the stabiliser muscles that surround and sit close to all the joints.
  • Gain mobility and stability.
  • Build strength and explosive power.
  • Creates a balanced leaner look similar to a dancers physique as it uses full kinetic chain movement such as in dance. With the added resistance you are able to build muscle if desired with the increases of band resistance.