
In August 2013 I was lucky enough to be selected as one of the cast members of the hit musical “Mamma Mia”, which opened at the Civic Theatre in Auckland in March 2014. We were set a six month challenge to look like bronzed and fit Greek islanders by opening night, and I knew that I needed to make some big life changes in order to get to this body shape!

My first priority was a fantastic Health Coach – Lana Vernon – who taught me all I needed to know about the nutrition changes that I had to make to my diet. The second priority, which in turn became one of the most rewarding experiences, was a motivating and results driven fitness regime.

In stepped Jason Hill and his fantastic product, StrapX. In no time I was working out at least four times a week with StrapX , and results started to appear almost instantaneously. StrapX was the perfect total body workout that I needed as a performer to get me into great shape, as it combined weight resistance with cardio, significantly improved my flexibility and allowed me to really target my core, delivering me abs for the first time in my life!

The almost infinite combination of exercises that StrapX can deliver meant that each workout was different, really helping with motivation levels, and as one StrapX system can target all the different muscle groups, I only needed to set the system up once and I was all sorted for the whole week and all my workouts. The transitional resistance bands allowed me to continue to push myself as I got stronger and more toned throughout the process.

The end result was that I lost around 20kg of fat, and 17kg of total body weight, with obvious muscle growth, definition and toning. StrapX played a significant part in my body shape transformation and I thank Jason and his expertise for making this happen.